Microfinance Program
Several years ago, CDFI established a Microfinance Program in Kenya.
The families we serve have been organized into four different support groups. Each group has opened a bank account with one quarter of the funds provided. They have elected a Treasurer and they carefully manage these funds on their own with minimal oversight from CDFI staff. An initial loan of $100 is taken out by a parent to establish a small business. The loan is paid back at 110%. Each support group chooses who will receive a loan and monitors how it is used. They ensure that it is paid back.
This program helps these families to support themselves. It empowers them by enabling them to have the pride, satisfaction and purpose gained by their work. Prior to the establishment of the program, many single mothers could not work unless they left their disabled children alone in their house while they went out to try to earn money, often by selling peanuts or water from a stream on the street corners. Because CDFI has enabled them to place their children into appropriate residential schools, they are now freed to work without having to leave their children unattended.
Some mothers sell fruits and vegetables at stalls in a local marketplace. One mother we visited sold used clothing at her small stall. And another mother set up a table near a school to sell treats to children leaving the school. A father we visited was able to purchase a small grinding machine, so that people could bring their maize (corn) to be ground into flour. The amount earned from these businesses is very small, but it is often enough to provide for their basic needs.
You can help us to expand this program by donating towards the amount of the funds used in this program. This would enable larger loans to be made and larger businesses to be established.