In rural Kenya, families face many struggles associated with the harsh realities of poverty. A lack of food and basic medical care, education, economic opportunities, and more, affect families’ abilities to meet their own basic needs. In addition to these challenges, each of the families that CDFI currently assists has a child living with a disability in the home. These special children often require advanced medical interventions (including surgeries and occupational/physical therapies), placement in (and transportation to) special needs schools, and additional home based care and advocacy. Without support, already struggling families are simply not able to provide these necessary interventions for their disabled child.
CDFI has been assisting families with these critical needs since 2016. Through donor support, we have been able to place most of the children in the program in school settings appropriate to their disability and to provide needed home based care for those unable to attend any of the special needs schools. All of the children in our program have been provided with health insurance. Our staff provides supervision and counselling to every family in the program and advocacy for their needs. These interventions have been transformational in the lives of these children and their families.

CDFI has an incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact in the lives of 177 families in Kenya who live with a disabled child in their home! We are partnering with World Vision Kenya to launch a micro-enterprise development program in an
effort to move families towards greater self-sufficiency.